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This is the content of the final email to stallholders


Thank youfor participating in our annual festival.
Your final site location and stall numbe
r can be found on this link:
2024 Stalls Map
​If any last minute changes are made to your site location, you will be notified.

DESCRIPTION OF SITE: The Festival is held on the main street of Springwood NSW, Macquarie Rd. From Raymond Rd to Ferguson Rd. Approximately 3.5 metres of the roadway has been allocated to you. (see stalls map for exact width). Stallholders are to supply their own canopies, tables, chairs etc. You will need to take into account the slope of the road towards the gutter and downhill from the post office west (sites 50 to 130) You may need to level any tables, equipment or vehicles by up to 200mm [8 inches] to ensure safe operation, so come prepared. You may put the legs of your shelter/gazebo on the edge of the footpath. The footpath behind your stall must be kept clear of any stock or trip hazards.

Food stalls note: Be aware that the event WILL be inspected during the day by Council Health Authorities. Failure to comply with all relevant food regulations may incur you an on-the-spot fine from Council of over $300. Hot Food Stalls will need to have a fire blanket and extinguisher. Also if you are cooking and causing excessive smoke to the stalls nearby, you will be asked to reduce the smoke or stop cooking. As advised on our application form, "No charcoal burners allowed."

(see both these links to NSW Food Stall Guidelines on our website)​   Mobile Food Vending Guidelines​ ​       Food at Temp Events.

Power: 240v power is not available. All generators must be quiet and smoke free. No idling vehicle engines permitted. If you run cables from your generator placed away from your stall, they must be covered with a mat or cable tray, or strung high enough to be safe

THE ONLY ENTRY into the Macquarie Rd festival venue for the day will be via GREENWAY LANE off Macquarie Rd, opposite the Blue Mountains Community Theatre and Hub / Library. Expect to be stopped by Traffic Controllers. Please use the hazard lights on your vehicle when approaching the check in at the post office and whilst driving to and from your site. Speed Limit 10km/hr throughout the site.

Entry Map link  This entry map is also shown at the bottom of the online stalls map .

Entry is from 6.30am until 8.00am. Be early and avoid a wait in the queue. You will be checked in by our event crew at the end of Greenway Lane, beside the post office. Please have your stall name and number ready for them. Stalls 1 to 44 and 133 to 177 will turn left. Stalls 47 to 88 and 89 to 130 will turn right. Vehicles must vacate Macquarie road before 8:30am

If you arrive after 8.00am you will need to find somewhere close by and carry everything in by hand, bring a trolley.
All parking for stallholders is in the Springwood Railway Station Commuter Car-park,
upper levels .If you park any closer you may deter customers from attending.

You MUST start packing up at 4pm. Vehicles will be allowed back into Macquarie Road no earlier than 4:30pm, once again via Greenway Lane. (Police and Traffic Controllers have the final say).
Please consider other stallholders and do not bring your vehicle to your site until you have fully packed everything onto the footpath to make room for your vehicle
at the kerb. Do not place stock or rubbish in the gutters as water may flow from various sources. DO NOT BLOCK THE ROADWAY WHILE LOADING YOUR VEHICLE! This has happened in the past and causes extreme frustration to other stallholders and delays their loading and our re-opening and cleaning of the road. Exit at your closest end.
The road will be open to normal traffic again from 5.30pm. Police will be enforcing the road opening and may book persons blocking the road.
As a Stallholder you are reminded that you are responsible for removing ALL rubbish and liquids from
the venue.

Waste Disposal:  Used oils and water from food stalls cannot be placed in any bins. Food stalls generating this waste type should make their own arrangements to remove from the site and not dispose into drains or toilets. SEE BELOW !!

Last Changes to Stall Requirements.

Blue Mountains City Council has expanded their safety and waste requirements for all market stalls.

Please be sure to ensure that your stall will comply with the new rules as you will be checked on the day by BMCC Health Dept Inspectors. Otherwise, you will be prevented from trading.


All stallholders should be advised that it is their responsibility to ensure the stability and safety of their structure in all weather conditions and that the structures are correctly weighted. They should be prepared for windy and wet conditions regardless of the forecast and make sure there are no trip hazards around their stall or impeding the walkways around their stall. You must mitigate all risks associated with your own stall.

You will be monitored before the public arrives and throughout the day for any trip hazards or unprotected cooking areas in particular.

2. Plant Sales:

The sale of weeds is not permitted. In particular Pennisetum Setaceum and listed weeds.

3.Food Stall Holders:

You should bring your own water with you for washing up and take it away with you. It must not be put down storm-water drains or toilets.

Food stall holders must be aware of all local and state government Food Guidelines. Please be sure that you have the NSW Food Safety Supervisor certificate available for at least one person serving at the food stall. (not a requirement for NFP associations but recommended)

It is your responsibility to to remove your own rubbish and waste e.g. oils, grey water, cardboard boxes, plastic containers etc, as these cannot be placed in the street bins, or in the additional festival bins on the roadway, or in the gutters.

In particular, BBQs:​

The BBQ must be positioned in such a way as to prevent unauthorised persons, in particular small children, gaining access to any hotplates, gas bottles food items or any item that may present a safety risk to them or authorised personnel working at the BBQ.

Spillages on the ground must be prevented and it is suggested that some form of surface cover be used that will catch spillages and prevents the seepage to the underneath surface. No Splatter from BBQs onto surrounding areas, concrete, furniture etc.

The area around the BBQ must be protected from trip hazards from any matting or equipment in use on the day.

All oils/fats/waste matter (including leftovers) must be completely removed from the site in sealed containers/bags and no waste materials from food or the BBQ should be placed in on-site council bins.

We thank you for your participation and hope you have a profitable and enjoyable day.

If you have any questions, please reply to this email ASAP or before Friday 6th Sept  (or email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

On the Day:  Ask a committee member with a yellow vest for any help needed.



Amy Sewell

Stalls Coordinator.
Springwood Festival Inc.